Meet our Members: Fred and Debra of mpro5

Lauren Hackett

Meet Fred & Debra of mpro5!

Let us introduce you to Fred Whipp and Debra Reuther, two Cary Founded members and integral parts of the mpro5 team!

What is mpro5?

mpro5 is the process management app that helps businesses streamline and automate their operational processes. It allows users to record, track, and manage processes in facilities management, retail and food safety. By using mpro5, companies can ensure better efficiency, accuracy, and compliance with industry standards, ultimately saving time and reducing costs.

Meet Fred & Debra!

Fred serves as the VP of Business Development at mpro5, where he leads global sales and marketing. With a background in law, Fred brings a unique perspective to business development and strategy. Originally from the UK, Fred relocated to bring his expertise to mpro5 in 2021.

Debra is the head of partner marketing globally. Apart from her professional achievements, Debra is also a proud mother of three sons. One of the most beloved figures at mpro5 is their mascot, Charlie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who you can often see lounging around the office.

What made you choose to work at the Founded Communities?

Fred: I remember we first visited Raleigh Founded on my second day in the U.S.. I still had jet lag but found myself in Founded’s Warehouse location. We then went to tour capital club, saw the great views, the espresso machine, and the rest is history. Founded’ s team have always been super welcoming but the true reason we landed here was the chance to be part of a network of growing companies.

What is your favorite part about Cary Founded?

Fred: The facilities are immaculate and modern. I’m always bumping into really positive business minded people in the communal space and for us it reminds us of the innovative environment in our UK office. The natural light makes a huge difference and the art and plants around the space really bring it all together.

mpro5 panel hosted at Cary Founded

Tell us about your recent event that you hosted at Cary Founded

Fred: We recently hosted a panel discussion at Cary Founded that highlighted justifying tech spend in today’s economic climate. It was a great turn out, and we got to explore some really valuable insights from leaders in the tech industry, including Nicole Coughlin, CIO of The Town of Cary, and Christopher Beall, Development Director of CWE.

We’re looking forward to hosting more events in the future and enjoyed having the opportunity to share what we do with other Founded members.

Anything you’d like people to know about?

Fred: We offer live demos of IoT in our office. Come see us in suite 312 to see them for yourself!

At mpro5, we're always looking to connect with innovators and businesses that share our passion for IoT.  We'd love to hear from you!

Whether you're exploring new opportunities in process management or simply curious about how mpro5 can transform your business operations, Fred and Debra are here to help with any needs!