Meet Rachel Thompson: World Traveler, Kindle Enthusiast, and Cary Entrepreneur
Say hello to Rachel Thompson!

Rachel is one of our very own Cary Founded members who without a doubt has had a multitude of experiences. Raised and graduated in Kansas before moving to Cary in 2021, Rachel has traveled to over 20 countries and 4 continents. She loves fulfilling her passion as a business owner here in Cary where she manages her personal business: Daring Studios.
Founded in 2016, Rachel is the CEO of Daring Studios where she uses her passion for creative based thinking and entrepreneurship to help business leaders through visual collaboration and facilitation. What does that look like and how can that help you, you ask?
Let's say you’re hosting a meeting where you have a flow of: ideas, connections, and overlapping themes. In order for your team to not get lost amidst the information, visual presentations may help in facilitating shared understanding and inspire conversation. That’s where Rachel’s expertise comes into play and helps you out! As a business owner herself, Rachel also provides help to aspiring business leaders through business strategy worksheets, 1:1 meetings, workshops, and her own Strategic Roadmap Course.
As mentioned earlier, Rachel is a lover of all things travel related, her favorite experience being a week-long sailing trip in the BVI where she stayed on a catamaran. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a dream to me. Along with travel, you may find Rachel's nose buried in a book on her Kindle where she has a 201- week long reading streak. Impressive. She is also very involved in sports and plays softball, volleyball, and practices yoga.
Within the Cary area, Rachel is fond of stopping by Gamers Geekery and Tavern to play board games and meet new people. Gamer’s Geekery and Tavern, a 15 minute drive from Cary Founded, is filled with board games and different events every month that you can find on If you ever run into Rachel - whether abroad, or at Cary Founded, she will happily have a conversation about relationship building, interactive workshops, emotional awareness, and the messiness of being human (Gosh, don’t we know it!)
Thank you Rachel for continuing to create positive impact through your passion, and for being a #CaryFounded member!
As for our readers, thank you for tuning in on this month's Member Spotlight! We hope you enjoyed learning more about Rachel Thompson and her endeavors here in Cary. Be sure to send her a quick Slack message to connect, and as always, thank you for being a part of our #CaryFoundedCommunity. :)